How Cutting Out Sugar Speeds Up Weight Loss: The Science, Benefits, and Sustainable Tips for Beginners

How cutting out sugar accelerates weight loss and improves overall health
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How cutting out sugar accelerates weight loss and improves overall health: – Losing weight requires a lot of discipline and consistency. It doesn’t come easy to some people because we all have different body types and different metabolic rates.

One thing I often hear people complain about is the fact that they have done everything right yet cannot shed even a pound of fat. Upon listening carefully, the culprit in most situations is added sugar.

Yes, your body needs sugar to function but excess of it will lead to obesity.

Obesity, often resulting from excessive sugar consumption, is linked to numerous health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, adding to the strain on our organs and affecting mobility. 

Going forward we will discuss the science of sugar and weight gain, how cutting sugar impacts your metabolism and appetite and explore practical strategies for reducing added sugar.

Read Also: 6 Healthy Snacks to Eat While on Your Weight Loss Journey

The science of sugar and weight gain

How cutting out sugar accelerates weight loss and improves overall health
How cutting out sugar accelerates weight loss and improves overall health

According to Dr. Juan Gallegos, a liver expert at the University of Utah Hospital, When you eat foods containing high amounts of sugar and it ends up in your bloodstream, the pancreas which is an organ responsible for controlling your sugar secretes insulin.

The insulin in your bloodstream tries to store the excess sugar in certain cells like the liver, muscle and other cells so the body can use that sugar as energy.

The problem if that sugar or glucose is not used up by the body, it is pushed by the body into fat cells or adipocytes.

Additionally, sugar and sugary foods have low nutritional value but high calories. You will eat so much to be full and relatively would have consumed so much calories which you aren’t necessarily going to burn off.

How cutting sugar impacts metabolism and appetite.

Have you wondered how you eat so much yet do not feel full? That is another negative effect of sugar on your body because your body’s hormone, Leptin for controlling satiety is misfiring.

Leptin plays a key role in regulating appetite. It signals the brain to eat, stop eating, and adjust metabolism speed. However, when doctors categorize you as having obesity and insulin resistance, your body resists leptin’s message that you are full.

Properly managing your sugar and glucose levels can restore leptin regulation in the body, and removing added sugars is essential for achieving this.

Practical strategies for reducing sugar

Did you know? That cooking rice and freezing it before eating it cold reduce its glycemic index? When rice freezes below 4 degrees Celsius, the digestible starch converts to resistant starch, which is healthier for your body and helps control blood sugar levels.

1. Sniffing cinnamon, Vanilla, cherry, almond, strawberry or banana before your meal can trick your mind into thinking your meal is 5 – 25% sweeter.

How cutting out sugar accelerates weight loss and improves overall health

This is backed by research conducted by experimental psychologist Qian Janice Wang, Ph.D.

According to Dr Wang, when we smell something, the brain forms expectations, especially if the smell is strongly associated with sweetness.

2. Roast Vegetables with Olive Oil before Eating.

How cutting out sugar accelerates weight loss and improves overall health

Skip steaming or sautéing vegetables and using dressings or sauces (which often have added sugars) to boost their flavour. Instead, toss them with a drizzle of olive oil and roast them in a 450°F oven.

Sung Eun Choi, PhD, RDN, a sensory scientist, dietitian, and associate professor in the Department of Family, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences at Queens College, New York, says roasting enhances their natural sugars, giving them a sweeter, more intense flavour.

3. Avoid Stocking Sugary Foods and Drinks in your fridge.

How cutting out sugar accelerates weight loss and improves overall health
How cutting out sugar accelerates weight loss and improves overall health

Having such things in your fridge can be a cool and nice idea for when visitors drop by or to avoid running to the shop, but packing your fridge with them will only tempt you to consume them at your convenience—until you realize you have diabetes.

Even a bad idea when you stock up on processed fruit juice deceiving yourself that they are healthier options than soda. Because of this mindset you have you are most definitely going to abuse it. Replace soda and fruit juices in your fridge with actual fruits and veggies.

4. Stay Hydrated. Sometimes, feeling thirsty is mistaken for hunger or cravings for sugary foods. Always ensure to drink enough water whenever you feel hungry first before eating anything else. This can be a practical way of reducing your sugar and calorie intake.

For more Knowledge on Real-life success stories read this: Weight Loss Success Stories: What worked and Didn’t

5. Practice Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting is one of the ways to fix your blood sugar levels. This is because it repairs your insulin sensitivity (The Ability of your body to release insulin to regulate sugar levels). There are different types of fasting but the most recommended is the 16:8 approach. Where you can only eat within an 18-hour window and fast for 16 hours. Consult your doctor first before you embark on intermittent fasting or any type of fasting.

In conclusion, Sugar is one of the reasons people struggle to lose weight and yet easily ignored. By following these practical ways of reducing your sugar levels you are bound to shed off those pounds.

Remember to be patient because your body will need some time to fix itself once you start.


How Sugar Converts to Fat – Health, University of UTAH

What Happens to Your Body When You Cut Out Sugar –

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Emmanuel Papa Brew

Emmanuel Brew

With three years of experience in lifestyle blogging, Emmanuel Brew is a seasoned writer known for his engaging content. An avid health and fitness enthusiast, Emmanuel shares valuable tips on social life, blending his passion for well-being with storytelling. Follow Kwame’s journey for a unique perspective on health tips and meaningful lifestyle.
